Intelligent storage system

ASRS for Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is changing the interaction between people and machines and machines and machines,
which will revolutionize warehousing. With distributed control, network intelligence, advanced robotics,
and self-organizing programs, future warehousing productivity, flexibility, and efficiency will make tremendous progress.


Interoperability: the first step in transforming data into intelligence

 Interoperability is the ability to exchange data and collaborate between systems. Industry 4.0 cannot be achieved without interconnection.

Interoperability unlocks tremendous ability to use real-time data to make better and faster decisions for devices and people. The warehousing system generates huge data wealth, but without interoperability, the data is isolated in scattered equipment and warehouse management software systems, and cannot be effectively utilized.

When the entire warehouse system is connected through the Internet of Things, the resulting data will be collected and integrated in real time, increasing visibility and creating more opportunities for collaboration between devices, devices and people. At the same time, the integration of software systems such as WMS, LMS, ERP and other warehouse management systems will greatly reduce the cost of data integration and analysis.

By effectively integrating data between equipment and software systems, data is transformed into knowledge, which in turn translates into intelligence to support better decision making.

Contact us

Tel:0512-67222961        Phone:18913530365
Address:No.280 Dongping Street,Suzhou Industrial Park,Jiangsu Province

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